Spain, Ceip Gloria Arenillas

     Gloria Arenillas is a state Primary School. It is located in a district of Zaragoza. Zaragoza is a big city nearest to Madrid and Barcelona. It is in the Aragon region with lots of historical, natural and touristic attractions with transportation and accomodation facilities.
Our school has 194 students from 3 to 12 years old and 14 teachers set up the staff . The socio-cultural level of the families is not high, medium class. Some of the students do not live with both of their parents because of they were divorced. There is a high unemployment rate in this area. Most of them live next to the school and some of them come to other city areas but we have not got bus service. There are a high per cent of students that realize extra-curricular activities so school has got canteen. Although it is an active school it never had a Comenius program, therefore our pupils have not had the chance to meet teachers and  students from other countries. We think that taking part in this partnership project will create many opportunities for our students to improve their language skills, ITC skills, social skills, their motivation, self-confidence, cooperative work skills, and awareness for their own cultural heritages.
This project is going to help our pupils and their partners to be open-minded and to be aware other countries and their culture while learning other people´s way of life.
     By the help of this project; our teachers will increase their language skills, ITC skills, pedagogical skills, their motivation, project management skills, knowledge about partner countrie´s histories and cultures. Moreover we will have a chance to see and to compare educational systems.
The meeting and the activities which will be done by students and teachers will increase cooperation and communication among the staff, students and parents.